Re: Greek the Meek

Hitting a player at 40k is much different than 300k.
All in all bring down the mic fleet points need to be considered into the tally system. Greek take advantage while you can because when it's fixed you're going to be a heat target for many...many people.

Re: Greek the Meek

This is something I put forward before, all fleets to be counted in your overall score, whether in the air or not.

It would effectively make players more safe. If that score was to always be showing, then you would not really know if those fleets were sitting or not. Unless you are Geek of course.

Re: Greek the Meek

Strongly disagree with fleet points always showing, as I have said before, because of how it would alter game dynamics, fleet hunting, hiding points, etc. I really think there are other ways to eliminate the "super noob" playing style without negatively effecting the game for others.

Instead, could points be counted in player protection but still be invisible on the scoreboard while fleet is in the air? Could noob protection be altered so that the first time you exit protection and cross the 100 or 200k threshold you are out for good? I don't see why one of these alternatives couldn't be implemented. Others have suggested different ideas elsewhere if these suggestions won't do... But fleet points always showing is a change I, and I think quite a few other fleeters, really do not want.

Re: Greek the Meek

I understand what you are saying. But I think it may be a little complicated in those things you suggest.

Going back to my point about the fleet points always showing. At the moment, players watch other players, take a note of their fleet scores, they wait until that changes. When fleet points become visible, on view to all, there may be a sudden hunt on, let's track it down whilst we can, if they're offline perhaps we can catch this fleet on the ground?

Whereas if those fleet points were always on show, whether players had fleets in the air or not, whether they were online or not, then perhaps that would in effect make those fleets safer. No sudden hunt as the fleet points were constant. That may actually be beneficial if a player was late coming back online?

Re: Greek the Meek

And in so doing you are effectively making it far easier to keep a fleet and far more difficult to catch one (especially if you aren't a primarily RIP fleeter...) This game is about fleet interaction... A change like this would ruin it for me.

Re: Greek the Meek

Just because it shows fleet points all the time, wouldn't mean any of the dynamics of game play would change.

In exactly the same way as you have always done you would still hunt the same way, catch the same players out in the same manner. Points on another screen would not change that.

Re: Greek the Meek

Oz... This is just not true... Tracking movements in fleet points is absolutely critical to my gameplay... To change things so fleet points were showing all the time would completely change the game for me and make it far far less enjoyable.

Re: Greek the Meek

Pulsar I am not arguing. I am just saying that I cannot see how it would stop you tracking movements. Do you track by score? If so I would be interested to know how is all? I have a list of players on line times. I keep tabs on where they keep their stuff. When the time is right I help myself to that stuff. All of what I have suggested would not change just because a score was showing or not. But that is me.

I was thinking of ways of trying to alleviate the problem of players remaining in new player protection when they are effectively not new players anymore.

What about, for a suggestion, raising new player protection to a lot greater amount than is currently in force in that server?