Ohayou~ (Hello!)

Hello everyone! I actually don't have a clue on what to type down. (Introductions are so hard. I feel like I'm in grade school, all over again) But, yeah! Hi. Hello. My name is Dory - i mean, Rose. (Sorry, that was my inner!Child speaking) And, well, I'm a new player. (This sounds like a discussion group meeting now. I fail. Badly.)

I don't exactly have a clue on how long posts are supposed to be so, sorry in advance if it's too short. Oh, and, sorry for taking up too much of your time.

Re: Ohayou~ (Hello!)

Welcome to the game Rose/Dory. I hope you have a good time in Speed. Have fun. Please read the forums, you can glean a lot of information in here. In game, as a new player, for the time being you will have restricted amounts of personal messages. This will change the longer you play. Many players will help you out, others, not so much.

If you cannot find what you are looking for then feel free to ask in these forums, your messages are unlimited in here.

Once again, welcome and have fun.

Re: Ohayou~ (Hello!)

Meep~ o.o

Okay, I did not expect anyone to reply to this. And this fast, for that matter! But, yay! ^_^ I'm happy and scared, at the same time.

Arigatou gozaimasu~ (Thank you very much), Moderator nii-san! I hope I'll get to talk to a lot of people, soon. It's a tad bit boring just playing by myself ._."

Re: Ohayou~ (Hello!)

In that case, if you find yourself alone, in game, go the the rankings. Use the drop down box near the top of the screen and select alliances. This will give you a list of alliances, the top of the pile is the number one ranked alliance. They may not be willing to take a new player, but others will. If you get yourself in to an alliance, then you have an overview chat room. That might help and give you others to talk to.

If you were to create another account in the Standard Server, there is an alliance there that would readily accept you. It's called "The Academy". All servers are slightly different to each other. Standard is a lot slower but the new player protection is a lot higher. Pros and Cons for all. You are allowed to have one active account in each server. Most players stick to one, maybe two. We all have our favourites.

If you do not get an immediate response to any questions, please be patient. The player base is from all around the world, so some players will be offline, at work, in bed etc, this makes the game more interesting for sure.

Good luck, fly safe!