Re: Legends

hmm. does the day I never flamed gumpy and gozar for no reason count?
that day might have existed but no one really knows XD
okay fishy! now who is still using my old account. let me at em!
how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: Legends

AWWW MAN are you guys gonna love this fact this legend exsists as i type this...check it out while you still can....because i reported it to the admins....any way....this is the story of how i discuvered my most highly defended planet was my best and invincible fleetsave spot...well it starts like friend was retiring his he tryed n bash his fleet into my fortress which would insta kill the fleet he had...he was having some trouble with errors n s*** like he gave me his account info to figure out what was goin i go on there...try and retire him...and holy crackers every time i had to quad check the coords because i wasnt able to send the god damn was finnally i decide hey lets check the map to MAKE sure im even hitting near the i go there...and i see the two planets of mine that are supposed to be there...are not i log into my account on my xbox and my friends on my im looking at the correct coords on my xbox and my laptop screen...and holy s*** my planet was invisible...message me ingame and ill send an esp from that planet to prove it exsists then you can look at the coords and see for your self
ghost stories from
also feed back would be great...
lol invisible fleets and 10K moons got nothing on this XD
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all

Re: Legends

I wouldn't count myself as a legend, but seen many ( good, and some awesome ) players come and go ...
Good ol' times :) We will all remember the first day we've joined Zorg Empire and laugh at it in time * wipes tears *
Myrsee, Mintaka, gumppy, Fishpond, Torgard, MegaMedes, rjsturgill, SquirrelonCrack, SirDuction, sadbutrue, Blake7 ( now Gozar ), klizac, GenWickedDeez , shadierchrisOH, Zookon, valadeva, dexter, OverlordofVengance, rukai, GP41, Istalris and Shandris, Weresloth, Gale, RejectRagDoll, Bobrox2000, Thorr ( the one called " ruby fetish ", baaahhhhaahhhhaa ), pkromm, are only a few names of the ones that have been here ever since the begging ( sorry if your name isn't on this list ) ...


Alive, or just breathing ?