Strikes Have Already Begun. There are only two sides to this Conflict. With us or Against us. We are offending....... brutal........... exterminating...........This is a war Alliance where we dont talk about how cool our mines are and what the next lvl of mine will be, we shall take those mines from you and plan attacks, forcing confrontation and conflict. Mass up the armies now, rise up and conquer.

I am solo atm, apps are open, Be prepared to launch attacks right away. Most invites will come through war efforts, looking for only warriors who work as a pack.

1 shot 2 kills, This is recruitment and official notice of war. Our tag (Removed offensive nature) , our Name of Macedonia, flag of Rome. we are just history repeating its self through Game play representing the brutality of our history, imitating Leaders of Conquest

warning- give due to it's anti Semitic nature

Within Game Rules
No End War Conditions
No Peace

Re: S_S

Gozar already threatening MD on me. Looks like he is all talk, going for bans again when he realized his mouth talked more than what he can actually do, he has resorted to whining

Warning posting of non game web address is not allowed on forums.. do so again and this will result in a ban.

any complaints regarding Mods should be sent to webmaster@zorgempire.net...and is forbidden on forums.

Re: S_S

DREDD wrote:Gozar already threatening MD on me. Looks like he is all talk, going for bans again when he realized his mouth talked more than what he can actually do, he has resorted to whining

Now you are showing yourself up again Dreed... I simple sent you a pm after you started sending IPM's at me ..that you are free to do so, same as I am free to pop your moons...yet you see fit to post this crap... your plan to make every player quit ZE is not working so here you are whining... The fact that you boosted that I could not pop the 9.923 moon and I agreed as this would require over 60,000 rips.. I also tried to help you regards to multiple acs defends is spam..So you post this... Give me permission to post your PM's and all can see who is lying...

do not bother to reply unless it is to give permission...as this will just prove what I have said... as I am sure no one is really bothered what you say.. put up or shut up.

Re: S_S

Dont be so contradicting of yourself. You show yourself as usual. Cant get my fleet, afraid to MD yet not afraid to make the threat, how many times have we done this now? Your main tactic is to provoke with some **** talking, and once dished back your first move is to go for bans. No one likes a tattle tale, specially one that chooses to whine to admins trying to ban players for simply not taking your ****, you got a fleet.... use it, and yes I feel it necessary to share this crap with all if your move is to try to ban players and block pms. Ill happily post your PMs about the banning attempts. Most mine are gibberish and successfully wasted your time in a bunch of stupid you fall for it everytime lol

Spam is thrown around here like terrorist. just a word used to bend the rules as you see fit. Now if I left all those waves going, yes perhaps spam, briefly here and there which none made your reports, not spam. I was going to put up 200M resources all on lanx you had shot to get, but I recalled when you started crying spam whaaaaa spam whaaaaaaa! Now if I sent like 1 rec each wave, yes that be spam, 200M at stake acsing you on lanx vulnerable, not spam

I can send 1 attack wave if its of legit ship numbers on 1%. Not Spam, who is to dictate how long you choose to send an attack wave, which is a tactic used before aka replacing the wave with a bigger attack force.

IMPing, I send full waves, with higher silo lvls, can do it all day. not spam. Sending 1 IPM all day, Spam You sent 10 at a time, which would take forever, not doing legit damage, could be spam But you dont see me whining to admins to ban you over petty crap we are both guilty of lol :boohoo:

Put up or shut up :lol: Dude just quit being a crybaby about little stuff. thats who you really are

Re: S_S

Here we go..simply just give me permission to post your pm's and let player base make up their own minds.. or just keep posting these lies, showing everyone what you are... a walking contradiction...I even have a pm from admin stating that you had already made a complaint about me with doctored reports which you even admitted to in a pm....before I reported your spam... once again put up or shut up..

Re: S_S

Caught you lying! admin PM does not exist as I did no such thing, I lied to you when I said I did that. Payed off too, you bought it and now you want to make me think you got admin pms about it :lol:

Trying to use it for what? The Players who stand up to you and call your bluffs know who you are, all that matters, I have nothing to prove, they already know. Your just saving face now I think for the 7 other kiss butts that think your great, you just adore people who think your awesome dont you? Lets see that pm, I call your bluff again, I thought you were just a banning drama queen, now I know your a lying one too :whistle:

Its One thing for me to lie to you, thats strategy, I dont get why you now post here and lie to everyone, what strategy does that play into other than I think you really care what people think of you. I dont :lol:

and thanks for deleting that link, others have done same thing and its ok, as long as its ze related. Mine was ZE related, the most important related ZE link there is that recruits players for the game to succeed. Now its the copies and pms I have of a mod thats a player acting in such ways, and who apparently can make up rules and have them enforced anytime is my gold for reviews of ZE, that would most likely spill over to rating of all ZE games

Bad Policies will earn you a Bad name, and dying games, who thought it be a great idea to have a lying hot headed player as a mod?

go ahead and call it mod baiting, hard to be sure when the mod is also a player trying to dish it out. now this is screen saved and copied Gozar fyi to showcase on reviews ze support staff. Your the face of ZE PR right now basically being the babysitter for supposedly free

Re: S_S

Now I will totally admit the bit about admin was a lie... A ruse to get you to allow me to post your pm's...and it worked..

So to make things fair I have copied the conversation from chat mode...Both sides of the chat.. so everyone will need to read from the bottom to top..

at no time did I threaten you and all that crap can been see for what you are..I simple stated facts you send IPM's I can pop moons..Then your boost about your ruby moon..

Chat Mode

(Refresh) Message History with

don't need to doctor anything.. all on flight logs with ZE.. and I do not think all you childish actions deserve any more time.. goodbye.
You commented on Thu 13 Feb 2014, 00:19:12 (No subject)

copied and screen saved your spamming, long attacks with multiple fs acs, no reports to trace in admin panel, I can also doctor up pages
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Thu 13 Feb 2014, 00:15:17 (No subject)

negative, last time they laughed at you and told me to carry on. Same will happen as I asked them about fsing to enemies etc the difference between spam and what not etc.
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Thu 13 Feb 2014, 00:03:07 (No subject)

well you are wrong again but you will find out when admin contact you.. enjoy your little games for now because after you receive your warning next time will be ban...
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:57:54 (No subject)

no Im acs ing to keep my fleets safe while Im gone, again, game rules do not dictate where you fs
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:49:50 (No subject)

plus you can not vmode for the same time...lol like it..
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:47:50 (No subject)

negative, its not, I already asked, admins cannot dictate speed, but if I send any more then yes
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:47:48 (No subject)

spam attacked copied and reported.. it is against rules..sending for 311 hrs.lol
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:46:22 (No subject)

Need MS in X xxx? No problem for me to do
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:34:41 (No subject)

copy of what..don't get what you are saying..
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:30:53 (No subject)

sent ya a copy lol
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:29:16 (No subject)

may be right there but then who knows..
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:25:58 (No subject)

Im not gonna vmode, I want to see you pop these moons, its only a matter of time the rip fleet is destroyed, Ill even keep fleet going off X.xxx moon Im that confident you cant get lanx
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:24:48 (No subject)

No hate mail from me, everyone is free to play their accounts the way they wish.. even those that wish to spend **** loads of $....well be sure to save some rubies for new moons..because you will need them... you send ipm's but I can pop your moons seems fair to me...lol..
You commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:24:05 (No subject)

I can build, I just see no reason to waste my life to prove how fast I can mass up, those days are over, Ive already moved on real life more, and casually enjoying hate mail here
DREDD [2:187:10] commented on Wed 12 Feb 2014, 23:19:58 (No subject)

OH and never fight a battle on your enemies terms choose your own..so this is one of your 9.8k moon gone..Just to prove I am a man of my word..

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 0 units of Metal, 0 units of Crystal and 0 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
A fleet of the planet [x:xxx:] to the moon of the planet [x:xxx]
The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon, causing the moon to tear itself apart. All buildings are destroyed - Mission accomplished !The moon is destroyed! The fleet begun its return journey.
The probablity of the destruction of the moon is : 99 %

Re: S_S

The problem here is that little ol' Gozar doesn't like to hear the truth from anyone and assumes he's right all the time. I'm sure i'll get some MD's for this but hey, I don't care. He can take his anger out on me as much as he wants. I'm expecting some Azguard's to join in and kiss up to their wall? :)
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: S_S

yes, pms show me lying to you. Then we all saw you lie to everyone saying you got admin pms about my complaint to them when none were made in some attempt to save face, you only confirmed that on yourself posting those pms just as I said, I lied to you....tactic. then you lied to everyone...why??????? A ruse lol I out rused you on that one, your straight up caught with that one. And I say post cuz theres more pms than that, missing chunks, that really show you and me not taking it :lol:

I see you popped the smallest of my moons, try the next one now hahahahahahahahha Why dont you show the pms from the beginning, lets see who was responsible starting it. It is clearly obvious it was you, I was civil until you forced me to not back down knowing your tactic was only to try to get me to step over the line to get banned. and everyone else in azgd talks to me and can confirm I am civil until provoked. Im only guilty of being the very few to dish it back and call your bluffs

Nice Jorge, I knew you had it in you :o

For a good time, peck away at Gozar :lol: Just Beware he tries to get you banned, just give him a poke and watch his drama unfold. Just shoot me a pm ingame I would be happy to share tactics anyone can do :whistle: