Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Gozar wrote: To sum this up from my point...I personally do not agree with the abuse of a game rule.....any player that has a fleet over a certain size (this could be determined by player base) not a n00b... more over I do not believe any player after 6 months should remain in n00b is a contradiction of a tittle...Regardless of all these points...My point is simple it should not be allowed to continue....however it is at present by one of our alliance members adopted a similar game be frank he is compared to Greek fleet still a n00b... this aside...what is good for the goose is good for the till Zorg addresses this game is open to all... end of...I do not feel we are showing hypocrisy...I still total agree it's wrong... it's not my account.
I don't object to anyone actually having a legitimate opinion (ie, being either pro or con supernoob), but I do object to players who say they are vehemently against something while simultaneously fostering such behavior among their own members. If you're truly against something, you should not encourage it, even if it others are doing so. It's that simple. "Everyone else is doing it so I might as well," is not a permissible justification for an action. Have some standards.

Frankly, I cannot support some of the tactics I have seen in this war from you, Gozar. They look like they are driven by pure desperation. Is there any reason you crashed a bunch of your own ships by ACS defending an inactive Valhalla member, other than to steal the top attack position from the Valhalla member who ninja-ed you fairly? I'm sure glad you were wise enough not to actually post that in the war thread, but still, an underhanded and poorly motivated thing to do. That's in addition to the ususal... popping moons and bashing just because you know no one will ever be able to ninja 60k RIPs. When someone gets one over on you, take it with dignity and grace. Don't throw a temper tantrum... This goes for everyone.

I understand few in this game have any actual ethical standards when it comes to gameplay or care about anything other than getting what they want. But maybe they should. Maybe seeing your opponents as human beings and respecting them as individuals (and this goes to everyone... on all sides... we're all guilty of sometimes failing to do so, including me) would go a long way when it comes to restoring civility to the game and encouraging players to stay around instead of quit. I'm not naive enough to think it will actually happen. I've tried, and given up. But you never know.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Pulsar wrote:
Gozar wrote: To sum this up from my point...I personally do not agree with the abuse of a game rule.....any player that has a fleet over a certain size (this could be determined by player base) not a n00b... more over I do not believe any player after 6 months should remain in n00b is a contradiction of a tittle...Regardless of all these points...My point is simple it should not be allowed to continue....however it is at present by one of our alliance members adopted a similar game be frank he is compared to Greek fleet still a n00b... this aside...what is good for the goose is good for the till Zorg addresses this game is open to all... end of...I do not feel we are showing hypocrisy...I still total agree it's wrong... it's not my account.
I don't object to anyone actually having a legitimate opinion (ie, being either pro or con supernoob), but I do object to players who say they are vehemently against something while simultaneously fostering such behavior among their own members. If you're truly against something, you should not encourage it, even if it others are doing so. It's that simple. "Everyone else is doing it so I might as well," is not a permissible justification for an action. Have some standards.

Frankly, I cannot support some of the tactics I have seen in this war from you, Gozar. They look like they are driven by pure desperation. Is there any reason you crashed a bunch of your own ships by ACS defending an inactive Valhalla member, other than to steal the top attack position from the Valhalla member who ninja-ed you fairly? I'm sure glad you were wise enough not to actually post that in the war thread, but still, an underhanded and poorly motivated thing to do. That's in addition to the ususal... popping moons and bashing just because you know no one will ever be able to ninja 60k RIPs. When someone gets one over on you, take it with dignity and grace. Don't throw a temper tantrum... This goes for everyone.

I understand few in this game have any actual ethical standards when it comes to gameplay or care about anything other than getting what they want. But maybe they should. Maybe seeing your opponents as human beings and respecting them as individuals (and this goes to everyone... on all sides... we're all guilty of sometimes failing to do so, including me) would go a long way when it comes to restoring civility to the game and encouraging players to stay around instead of quit. I'm not naive enough to think it will actually happen. I've tried, and given up. But you never know.
see people as humans? this is a WAR GAME. in war you do not view those against you as humans it makes it easier to do what is needed to kill them. and my goal as im sure is most peoples not all but most is to be the best i can and the best the game has in it, and anyone that is not me will be treated as a road block that will be ripped. now like in war you do have allies same as in game, its only smart to have help in these games. however if you are not in my alliance or a personal friend of mine then i will treat you as a IA and do what i will to get what i need to grow. maybe if you did not try to be mother Teresa you might have lasted in x. you can not view it any other way. imo

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

king440 wrote: see people as humans? this is a WAR GAME. in war you do not view those against you as humans it makes it easier to do what is needed to kill them. and my goal as im sure is most peoples not all but most is to be the best i can and the best the game has in it, and anyone that is not me will be treated as a road block that will be ripped. now like in war you do have allies same as in game, its only smart to have help in these games. however if you are not in my alliance or a personal friend of mine then i will treat you as a IA and do what i will to get what i need to grow. maybe if you did not try to be mother Teresa you might have lasted in x. you can not view it any other way. imo
lol. Well, don't say I didn't try. I am not referring to hunting or crashing fleets; I was as vicious as anyone in my game play and still am. I am referring to the underhandedness, the manipulation, the hypocrisy, the betrayals, the verbal abuse of one's opponents. That's what the game could do with less of.

I can handle the gameplay and have no need whatsoever to prove myself in that regard, thanks. Am I cut out for the mind games though? No, I am not, and that's why I left this server.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

"Am I cut out for the mind games though? No, I am not,"....So, why so insistent on banging on with your double standards and hypocrisy then?

"........ and that's why I left this server.". But this this still does not stop you coming back and adding your tuppence worth.

This is of course your prerogative, but after those two sentences, it makes me wonder why you still post on things if you're so vehemently opposed to what goes on there and the "mind games" that go with it. I think you like to play your own "mind games". Hence your opportunistic and completely opposite views on ...ANYTHING.. lol.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Oz I find it very funny how you went from being such a stickler for the rules, to being one of the biggest jerks I know of.

"Hence your opportunistic and completely opposite views on ...ANYTHING.. lol."

That is quite ironic coming from someone who seems to side against certain people just to create conflict. You have no reason to treat Pulsar the way you do or anyone for that matter. It seems like every time someone posts on these forums you quote parts of their post to verbally attack that player.
Pulsar wrote:lol. Well, don't say I didn't try. I am not referring to hunting or crashing fleets; I was as vicious as anyone in my game play and still am. I am referring to the underhandedness, the manipulation, the hypocrisy, the betrayals, the verbal abuse of one's opponents. That's what the game could do with less of.
Notice how you left out this part of what Pulsar said as she was stating how competitive she was in Xtreme, and still is in the other servers she plays. You completely ignored that and went right to attacking her. What kind of abuse did you go through as a child in order to constantly feel the need to insult others to TRY and make yourself look big and scary? Take this as a word of advice. Why don't you try to earn respect instead of TRYING to strike fear into us to respect you.

The forums are a place where as a community we should feel allowed to have discussions about different assortments of topics without the verbal attacks that seem to be so prevalent. (especially since you like to specifically target people like Pulsar, Boris, and MANY other players.)

Of course this is just my opinion, but I am sure since you are on a tirade right now of attacking the opinions that are not parallel with yours, I am accepting the fact that I will probably be verbally bashed by you for the rest of my gameplay on these forums.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Pulsar wrote:All's fair in love and war
Do you remember posting this quote in one of your recent posts who's the come on here with your holier than tho attitude..and condescending remarks..well take your sour grapes with all the other players that I crushed...that were not able to take any part of my fleet...and for your information...I did tell sharpy good job well done..I have not taken anything away from his ninja...Yet as you clearly state in one post...War there is no rules...many things have happened in this war that well sadly I can not post on here because PM's are not allowed without the other players permission...yet I have written proof of some very underhanded game play that is against game rules... However all I have done is played within the rules... All I keep reading on here is IF..well IF....never happens...

This come on here with this superior attitude...when in fact you are the same as all the others to try and verbally moralize your own inadequacy as a could not hack it in were so desperate, like many before you that wanted to be top gun...and you GAVE UP in frustration...scared that one day I would take your fleet for a third time...When you left X...I tried to build bridges with you...however you come on the forums and simply try and stick the knife in...well take that knife and shove it as many times as you like..because your opinion no longer counts as you gave up that right when you quit......Don't people who quit join rehab...maybe there should be a rehab for failed Xtreme players...wait a minute there is's called Speed...

There tends to be the odd exception to many things and in this case that would be Torgard....You proved you were one of the best in X..

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Gozar wrote:
Pulsar wrote:All's fair in love and war
Do you remember posting this quote in one of your recent posts who's the come on here with your holier than tho attitude..and condescending remarks..well take your sour grapes with all the other players that I crushed...that were not able to take any part of my fleet...and for your information...I did tell sharpy good job well done..I have not taken anything away from his ninja...Yet as you clearly state in one post...War there is no rules...many things have happened in this war that well sadly I can not post on here because PM's are not allowed without the other players permission...yet I have written proof of some very underhanded game play that is against game rules... However all I have done is played within the rules... All I keep reading on here is IF..well IF....never happens...

This come on here with this superior attitude...when in fact you are the same as all the others to try and verbally moralize your own inadequacy as a could not hack it in were so desperate, like many before you that wanted to be top gun...and you GAVE UP in frustration...scared that one day I would take your fleet for a third time...When you left X...I tried to build bridges with you...however you come on the forums and simply try and stick the knife in...well take that knife and shove it as many times as you like..because your opinion no longer counts as you gave up that right when you quit......Don't people who quit join rehab...maybe there should be a rehab for failed Xtreme players...wait a minute there is's called Speed...

There tends to be the odd exception to many things and in this case that would be Torgard....You proved you were one of the best in X..
First off, Mark (since apparently we are on a first name basis), do not misquote me. That nonsense about love and war only showed up in my post when I was quoting king440, so once again you prove yourself manipulative and deceitful, bending the truth to fit your personal ends.

Failed Xteme player? lol, hardly. I do not need your approval or care about your opinion any more than you care about mine. I know how well I did in X, and so does everyone else, including you. I joined the game when you already had over 100 million fleet and built my own account up from nothing. I crashed two of your allies, stole a lanx hit from you, and did plenty more besides. I have nothing to prove, and I know it.

But I also know how I was treated by you. Manipulative, underhanded, and downright cruel are words I would use. Build bridges? Hardly. You had me blocked until the day I quit. Too little too late. Think about how you reacted when I played the game WELL. You called me a skank, bottom feeding scum, and plenty else which I do not care to repeat here. Recall the things you said to me. Recall the underhanded things you did to gain information about me or just mess with me. You can play within the rules and still be a bully and a manipulative and underhanded player. You did teach me one thing: you should only believe anything anyone says or trust that anyone is who they say they are at your own peril. Laugh all you want, but you cannot fault me for choosing to leave a server I was no longer enjoying. I was never afraid of you. I was simply disillusioned. I'll say it again: Karl deserved my fleet. You didn't. So I made sure it happened that way.

And let me correct the record: you never once took my fleet. I came to the game with no prior experience to speak of and crashed twice in my first few months of playing, this is true. But never once after that, and never once to you.

You are trying to cheapen my time on X and the truth of the player I became. That will not work. I earned the respect of almost every other player I played alongside or against, and I have not yet lost it despite everything. I earned Karl's respect and still have it. I have a wealth of support, even if sometimes I forget it, and would like to thank all the players who have encouraged me, been there for me, or simply shown me unexpected kindness.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

So back to the war though not to diminish the interesting read of Pulsar (Who I agree with but I am sure is not a complete victim of banter) and AZG but, the war is indeed over after today comes to pass yes?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Almost all recent posts are off topic. Gozar, it seems like you are obseded by a certain player. Focus yourself on the war against Valhalla, please.