Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

Yes, it's called a hollow victory. But I see no evidence of any sort of victory, from either side.

You would have to destroy every member of Valhalla, unless you do that then you will have no victory.

I believe, at the moment, you are on your own?

If so, then to destroy all of them you will have to spend a great deal of real life currency on rubies to fulfill this goal.

Then what? You would have won, yes. What would it cost you? Personally, I would rather have a new car!

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

y wold i need a new car lol. me and the wife already have those and a truck to lmao. id rather spend my money on what i want. and what i want is rubies lmao.

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

i never used the word skill lol. i understand i am a noob and still learning everyday. i do not pretend to be good or great.but id like to become great one day

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

Well, I beg to differ. Your bashing of small players defences just to total up a score that you insist on posting, then it sort of suggests that you are trying to show your prowess.

It's a bit like the Cockerel in a farm yard. Look at my plumage, am I not fine??. Ultimately, Sunday comes around, you're being served up, lol.

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

point out a report i posted where i hit only defense besides the one i explained he moved his fleet with 5 sec till i worries ill wait. keep in mind defenses dont make df every hit i made has df so gl finding it.... i will not be repling on this thread i shall let cb reports do the talking. thank you all for following this thread have a good day fly safe everyone.

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

Yes, they all show great skill and cunning...I don't think.

We used to have name for the type of player you seem to be turning in to. Ruby Warriors.

Ultimately, as I have said before, unless you are super rich, you maybe, I don't know, then you will fail. I do not know what score you have, I do not know what you get in the way of Imperial Support. I don't really wish to know. Unless it is a lot and you are rich, then you seem the type that may bankcrupt yourself.

It will not end well. I have been playing this game for six years. I have seen this many times. A player, for instant glory, as he sees it, through no skill but just purchasing power, buys himself up in to a position where he can attack small players. Perhaps it makes you seem grand, that Cockerel complex again? Ultimately, you spend all your money on Imperial Support. However little that is, buy yourself a little fleet. Then, BOOM!. You get hit. V mode or inactivity beckons, you will be upset and do this because you have wasted money for nothing.

Re: Mm declares war on valhalla

still waiting on those defense bashing reports u claimed me of doing, dont worry still waiting. that shows ur lies there alone so i take all you say as the same. use facts not mis directions to try to fool ppl...