Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Thor wrote, "Congratulation to AZGD on winning this war."

Kudos to you Thor, in the absence of any semblance of a congratulatory remark from anybody else in your alliance, for you to write this shows that at least the leader of Valhalla has a modicum of honour.

Well said.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Personally i don't see anything wrong with the hit on Neusbeer. Gozar observed the target, had his feelers out and had his suspicion about the movement of the fleet and the possible location of the FS. Seeing the change of the DF (in this case it disappeared which means someone collected it) he took a chance suspecting a planet/DF FS and it paid off. What's the fuss about?
Last edited by -MrSinister- on Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

-MrSinister- wrote:Personally i don't see anything wrong with the hit on Neusbeer. Gozar observed the target, had his feelers out and had his suspicion about the movement of the fleet and the possible location of the FS. Seeing the change of the DF (in this case it disappeared which means someone collected it) he took a chance suspecting a DF/planet FS and it paid of. What's the fuss about?

Although I will get hammered as per usual, lol. I agree.

Just because somebody gets caught out, it does not mean there is foul play going on. A good hit.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Thor wrote:- "There is a a limit on feeling lucky, and popping moons.
I would like to ask an impartial moderator to review the last hit in order to verify that there is no faul play in anyway.
Because otherwise i fear no one in zorg can have another safe fleetsave."

Thor, I don't know what you expect to happen. A player caused damage to another player. Whether it was luck, bad/good timing, depending on which side of the fence you are on, it happened. Both are players in the same game, each with the same access to the same pages, options etc. What are you actually suggesting here?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Valhalla_Thor wrote:There are conflicts in being a moderator and a being a player.
Rules being altered or post being modified is just one of them.

I do not know what the rights of a moderator are, but i would like to say by the evidence that has presented to me.
The last hit of Gozar against Neusbeer could be explained technically, however to crash a fleet with no visible evidence of there being any fleet and without any df disappearing within 1.5 hours could be explained more easy if one has the right to view game logs.

There is a a limit on feeling lucky, and popping moons.
I would like to ask an impartial moderator to review the last hit in order to verify that there is no faul play in anyway.
Because otherwise i fear no one in zorg can have another safe fleetsave.

Congratulation to AZGD on winning this war.
heres a idea.... why not fs moon to moon? lol and you people say im the noob at least i know go to moon to moon and as 11 of my moons is 9.8 size are bigger im not worried about them getting popped as long as im online for return ill be fine, when you read about the rules of fleetsaving it says do not fs planet to planet ...planet to moon... planet to df... moon to planet.... moon to df.....safest way is moon to moon. so why not do it? why cry when a pro...non noob...someone soooo biggg....makes a noob play and fs from moon to df???? use moons always. also congrats to thor and his team well fought and played. btw plz stop pming me trash talking. plz attack me to death not trash talk me to death. and that is not directed only at thors people as i have recieved messages from players ive never meet that is not in valhalla talking trash about me and mark.
Last edited by king440 on Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Well from what I read oz it seems like he is making a claim of foul play in this hit. I am not sure as I do not play in the Xtreme server, but since all servers have practically the same limits to what each account can do, I do not think there was any foul play. However if a bug was found and used to his advantage, I believe that no one should be exempt from the rule stating that a user will be banned if he uses a glitch to his own advantage.

Since Gozar has the biggest fleet/account in any universe to date, I highly doubt that he would have cheated for two reasons, both of which are unable to be backed up with evidence.

1. What do those resources mean to Gozar? Seriously have you seen the amount of res his mines produce? God knows how much res he has stocked up.

2. Why would one player risk the biggest account in zorg history over a hit like this? If it has to do with winning a war, I am certain they still could have worked together to either bash enough defenses to win, or find another fleet to hit. Gozar is a smart person so I highly doubt he would risk his account for merely a wars purpose.

To me it feels like Gozar used the experience he has gained over the years to time a perfectly executed trap that would ultimately win a war. (Which was a very nice hit I might add.) However since these claims are merely speculation, I can not state this as a fact.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

I agree. Perhaps we could ask Thor again, when he is around next, can he enlighten us on his concerns. I cannot see from my limited perspective on this, how any foul play can have occurred. So any explanation from Thor with relevance to his worries might help.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Sprog wrote:
Btw RJ Sturgill.....not really clever to put someone down for their grammar .....did you not stop to think there may be a reason why?
Perhaps it's due to being under educated, perhaps it's due to pure laziness, perhaps it's due to the fact that he was so worked up, trying to cover his arse, that he made these grammatical errors. Other then these reasons, there's no excuse.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Rjsturgill wrote:
Sprog wrote:
Btw RJ Sturgill.....not really clever to put someone down for their grammar .....did you not stop to think there may be a reason why?
Perhaps it's due to being under educated, perhaps it's due to pure laziness, perhaps it's due to the fact that he was so worked up, trying to cover his arse, that he made these grammatical errors. Other then these reasons, there's no excuse.

Haha, what a......

As per usual. Noting constructive, so dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig........

I was looking back at the forums recent history. I thought, Turgid has been quiet, now he's back, with even more enlightened quips.

So, nothing actually to really say (as per usual) so, I know, let's have a go at anothers grammar?

Great stuff. What a guy! I think, unless you are female? Are you female? Not a problem if you are of course.