ARGUMENT (Lack of). Ref: BSC (Blue Sun) vs BIC (Boris)

Okay, here we go. I do not expect any replies from Boris, perhaps he will prove me wrong, for the first time.

I would like to know this, his words in relation to his argument.

"In your case you are just frustated i do not give up and will be the anoying musquito that you can not bully around..
Its kind of sad that the stronger always reason in their own interest instead of listening to a valid argument."

You did give up, twice!! Both times, inactivity beckoned!! lol.

Now, to the crux of it.

Right, WHAT is this argument? This argument that you make reference to. This argument that you seem to know all about, but nobody else does. WHAT is this? Unless of course, you don't know either?

It would appear that this is a convenient ruse, to make yourself appear noble in your fight for truth and justice. Lol!! But, you cannot even make reference to it.

You accuse me of not listening to this aforementioned argument, but from day one, when you didn't like what you heard, you blocked me. Again, convenient.

This is your chance to post this said, supposed "argument", put your point across. I doubt you will as I don't think you have ever tried to put forward a reasoned argument.

So, the facts, as they really are.

1: Boris leaves stuff sitting around. Initially, I had good relations with him. He wanted me to attack him, for moonshots. This suited him, it's what he wanted.

2: After a certain point, these moonshots ceased. Boris did not want them anymore.

3: Boris, not wanting moonshots, STILL left stuff sitting in the form of fleets and resources.

4: Members of our alliance and presumably other alliances, relieved him of these said items.

5: Boris does not like this.

6: Boris sees this as bullying. As do many others. We all know though, the importance of fleetsaving, KEEPING YOUR STUFF SAFE, otherwise, you get attacked, it's that simple.

7: Boris disagrees with this, after being told this, he blocks anybody from telling him the same. After all, what goes on in the game, raiding, fleeting, it's not in keeping with the way things should be done, according to Boris.

8: This carries on. He brings this upon himself. He continues to leave stuff sitting. How dare anybody take his stuff because he cannot seem to keep it safe!

9: He then, without any warning launches multiple missile salvos. At best , minimal damage although costing him resources to launch these pitiful attacks. As a then member of "another alliance", he invites wars to be declared through his actions. Other players bear the brunt of this. For this he "agrees" in the loosest sense, to leaving that alliance, starts his own, to carry forth his fight for "justice". War is declared then on his new alliance, the other war ceases immediately. After noticing this, he rants in the forums how hard done by he is, how it is illegal, how the requisite amount of time has not passed. All incorrect, he had just not been paying attention.

10. He carries on his futile wasting of resources in the form of missile salvos, No real reason, it's under the pretence that it's noble. He is fighting against bullies! The real reason behind this of course is that he could not keep his stuff safe. He will never admit to this. The very best thing to come out of this? He actually now DOES keep his stuff safe. A shame and pity that he could not have done this in the first place, lol. So, basically, through us in Blue Sun, he has learned a lesson that he again, will never admit to. He now keeps his stuff safe!! A lesson learned, thanks to us!! Are we now the noble ones for making this so?? lol.

I welcome any reply from Boris, will it happen? Let's see.