AZG declare war on AoD

Extreme has gone quiet of late so a war to liven it up was needed......leader of AoD notified and more than worthy opponents mercs and war ends 31/1/12 midnight server time........good luck to all and would prefer profit hits where possible :)

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

Hmmm, I knew you were cooking up something, LOL xD
I have acknowledged your notification, bashing rule will be lifted in 24 hrs. Good luck to both of us, Sprog :)

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

AZG TD: 6.361.000
AoD TD: 833.067.050

Sprog (AZG) v Raveli (AoD)

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:83.367.500
winnings Metal:2.902.466 Crystal:815.772 Deuterium:2.376.224
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 425.000 Defender Loss:114.907.500
winnings Metal:5.781.827 Crystal:1.621.004 Deuterium:4.746.970
Debris Metal:30.000 Crystal:225.000

AZG TD: -6,786,000
AoD TD: -1,031,342,050

logged -
this is the real td please calculate good....

AZG TD: 6.786.000
AoD TD: 833.067.050

Please calculate good? Ok.....

AZG TD: -6,786,000
AoD TD: -1,031,342,050
come on logged, 6.3 +.4 = 6.7mil against AZG.. you got that right
but 833 + 197 doesnt = 833 again..

must try harder ;)

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

Would suggest that AoD kick their inactives and try and stop anymore of their members running and going vmode ;) .......was hoping for more from one of the top alliances tbh but there's still time yet....... :)

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

One day left and still nothing from AoD..........and fyi (this is to Logged) all hits on AoD were for profit as far as I can see so less pm's about us defence bashing and actually participate instead of vmoding every few days ......surely you can do at least this without the help of "others" ...... ;)

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

Expected more than accusations of defence bashing from them.....most of their TD against us was self inflicted by ourselves inlcuding the half-blind lanx ( great team work on that one AZG ).... maybe next time .......and please lock :)

Re: AZG declare war on AoD

...thats it from AoD? expected more, especially from O'great Logged, bold words talking how im a noob and you know all the tricks in the game, you got ninja'd did a moon destroy and a small attack, was hoping you and your team mates would fight war better.

Great team work AZG, maybe you lot just had busy RL (or just busy in ASC alliance:massacre) and we can fight a better war in the future :)