Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse88[MoC] ~TD~7.8 billion

The reason I am weighing in is because this is a public forum, lol.

Why so many can't figure out that fact is incredible.

Your PM's between each other, not interested. That ISN'T public, I have no wish to know.

"CH", I would not know if is he is returning or not now would I ?? lol.

Not your intent to cheapen the hit?? So, say something to cheapen it, then disclaim what you have said by saying you're not?? lol!!

The Irony? It is indeed very, very Ironic!

Forgive the overuse of the "lols", but I find myself laughing considerably. It's the only way to convey my chortles.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse88[MoC] ~TD~7.8 billion

Pulsar wrote:Maybe I'd be more positive towards the game if you had actually treated me with respect and dignity, hadn't called me repulsive names, made wholly unnecessary personal remarks, and blocked me multiple times for no good reason. That aside, anyone who plays X and gets to the point I have there ends up frustrated. Surely you can understand how that would be.

Sometimes I wonder why I continue to play X, too. Anyone here want to give me a good reason to stay? Because I sure don't see one.

Boy can you turn things around to suit yourself.. If what I have said in the past you class as repulsive.. all I can say on that, is you sure must have lived a sheltered life...Or you just wear your heart on your sleeve..besides you have had a number of apologise which you have said at the time you accepted...well you obviously have not to keep dragging the same crap up... which in my eyes makes you two-faced.

When you 1st started playing you kept saying to me you wanted players to treat you as an equal....not to see you as a female...but as a player...which I have stated time and time have NO RACE CREED OR COLOUR...yet you repeatedly use your gender to say one thing when you want another...imo you are sexist.

You have done your share of mud slinging...along with making personal remarks.. So lets put cards on the table... You as a player have deliberately played your game to annoy or provoke me, you have admitted this already... when you get the return treatment out comes the feminist remarks... Well sorry, to receive respect you have to 1st earn it and 2nd learn to give it... and to date you have done neither...So we reap what we sow...personally I don't give a flying fart if player respect me or's only a game..

If you chose to stay and play..that is your one else's...A game should be enjoyed..if you don't enjoy playing then you have your answer...if you do, then stay...

No one player makes for a game..unless you enjoy solitaire....

Reminds me of something my grandfather once said to me...he said.."if you put your hand in a bucket of water and pull it out, the hole you leave behind is how much we are missed"...

This is not meant in any way other than what it is...better players than you have quit and the game carries on, as it will when I quit. none of us are that important.

And now I have been dragged off topic.. from the CR...

Glotr CH...what ever you decide to do I wish you all the best...

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse88[MoC] ~TD~7.8 billion

You have not apologized to me once for the things you said following the Stroim hit. Not once. Not that I expected it, but I feel the need to correct you on at least that one point.

And say what you will about my gameplay, but I never called you nasty names or attacked you personally in PM's. Can you say the same?

I'm sexist? Really? I was not the one who called another player a skank and a spoiled little girl or told her that Zorg was a war game, not a trip to the hairdresser and she'd be better off getting her nail's done... Not to mention the rest of what you said.

Am I resentful? Yes. Of course I am.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse88[MoC] ~TD~7.8 billion

Pulsar wrote:You have not apologized to me once for the things you said following the Stroim hit. Not once. Not that I expected it, but I feel the need to correct you on at least that one point.

And say what you will about my gameplay, but I never called you nasty names or attacked you personally in PM's. Can you say the same?

I'm sexist? Really? I was not the one who called another player a skank and a spoiled little girl or told her that Zorg was a war game, not a trip to the hairdresser and she'd be better off getting her nail's done... Not to mention the rest of what you said.

Am I resentful? Yes. Of course I am.

All I can say to the above crock of **** is most of that is a bare face lie... I know I apologised for a lot of what I have said, as you did for your part... you even admitted to getting caught up in the moment..yet on here you deny for the hairdresser part I have never ever made that remark... so if you are going to lie on here to gain favour...carry on but you and I both know the truth... no wonder I block you in are so two-faced...well I will not be fooled again...

Hell has no fury ..........if you feel the need to post further lies, feel free, but I will not be replying to further bull that is beyond contempt..

I was told by another player ages ago that being #1 regardless of who you are....brings hatred and contempt...I just never knew how true that was... I seems the frustration, resentment from certain players that want to be #1 and can't be, just brings personally attacks..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse88[MoC] ~TD~7.8 billion

Gozar wrote: All I can say to the above crock of **** is most of that is a bare face lie... I know I apologised for a lot of what I have said, as you did for your part... you even admitted to getting caught up in the moment..yet on here you deny for the hairdresser part I have never ever made that remark... so if you are going to lie on here to gain favour...carry on but you and I both know the truth... no wonder I block you in are so two-faced...well I will not be fooled again...

Hell has no fury ..........if you feel the need to post further lies, feel free, but I will not be replying to further bull that is beyond contempt..

I was told by another player ages ago that being #1 regardless of who you are....brings hatred and contempt...I just never knew how true that was... I seems the frustration, resentment from certain players that want to be #1 and can't be, just brings personally attack...
Now that is truly unfair. You NEVER apologized, after the Stroim incident. At least not to me. Before that particular incident you did apologize for some things you had said before, and I appreciated that. But not once did you apologize to me after the Stroim incident. In fact, you blatantly refused to even talk to me. Acuse me of lying all you want, but you did indeed make the hairdresser comment... Although you've said far worse. I think I may have even saved the PM. If I weren't blocked, I could send it to you and maybe you'd remember.

It was never my intention to hate you or make you hate me. Say whatever you want about me, but I tried to play the game best I could, and I did try to be reasonable and respectful, even if you don't see it that way.