Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

Like I said previously, if a mod can't stay 100% neutral, he or she has no business being on that thread, PERIOD.

As I have named no mod specifically, and am referring to the moderator job in general, this should not be considered mod baiting, but if it is, so be it.

And if it has gone quiet allmightyoz, that is probably because you have dominated this and every other thread with your useless comments. Like getting the last word makes you right? I bet you are a joy to live with :)

Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

Lol, nicely put Bal Sac.

" I am not mod baiting but I am mod baiting", hahahaaaa.

If you do not wish to read any posts, don't. Really simple.

"LIKE I SAID PREVIOUSLY" lol, I am also a player and I am entitled to post on here as well as anybody else.

Just because I post something you do not like then basically, tough!

If you leave stuff sitting, you get hit, you did, you got hit, lol.

If any of your friends leave stuff sitting, the same, they did, they got hit.

What a joy it was to see those lovely combat reports. It was good to see good hits, big scores, nice DF, that DF collected, Lovely.