[Reloaded] Sanskari vs Talandar TD {24,960,726,000} ACS defend

Had been watching Sanskari bop people will reckless abandon for a few weeks and started reaching out to see who might want to bop him back.
Had someone who had been seen in the same spot a few times and I happened to be next door. Sat and waited. He saw his fleet, then probed and saw I had considerable fuel sitting next door, oh well.
Then he launched anyway...and with considerably more than he needed to kill the bait fleet. Not sure why you sent overkill, but thanks!
Sent fleet to counter and...bop.

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of units.
The defender has lost a total of 3.723.726.000 units.
A debris field containing 7.524.585.600 units of Metal and 7.451.850.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Sanskari collected 1.1bn of each.