Godzilla(Pirates) Vs KennethWolf36(TOUD) TD 1.345.827.000

made a Noob Mistake and sent fleet from Planet on a Rec mission.
as for your hits on Pirates we welcome the fun you are trying to bring.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 76.013.432 units of Metal, 240.261 units of Crystal and 11.299.016 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.345.827.000 units.
A debris field containing 375.093.300 units of Metal and 365.509.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

all follow up made and all rubble collected by me


Re: Godzilla(Pirates) Vs KennethWolf36(TOUD) TD 1.345.827.0

I think my smile was a bit bigger in the last numerous hits we have made on you. However, congrats on your first retaliation hit. You guys are really killing us...Errr...We are killing you. We will not stoop to vmode like all of the ones we have hit on your side have done. As for you Calvin/Scull... At least you came back after you ran and hid.

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Godzilla(Pirates) Vs KennethWolf36(TOUD) TD 1.345.827.0

fusion wrote:I think my smile was a bit bigger in the last numerous hits we have made on you. However, congrats on your first retaliation hit. You guys are really killing us...Errr...We are killing you. We will not stoop to vmode like all of the ones we have hit on your side have done. As for you Calvin/Scull... At least you came back after you ran and hid.
Not sure of whom you refer to as vmoding to run and hide. You do realize some of us do have a real life? People on both sides of this tiny little struggle have vmoded. I have not seen us saying that your alliance members that vmoded have run and hid. I would appreciate you not assuming because someone went into vmode they are running and hiding. I would say the same thing to any of my alliance. A lot of players still have school and work. I myself have vmoded after a hit but not due to fear, due to real life interfering with my play time which caused me to be hit in the first place. I am not, nor have I ever been scared of anyone on this game or any other game. The game is a bunch of pixels that can be rebuilt. And believe me darlin' I have gone up against, and been chased by better players than you will ever be.

Now back to the topic at hand (sorry about the hijack)... good hit. And to Kenneth, glotr.

As always fly high and safe
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Godzilla(Pirates) Vs KennethWolf36(TOUD) TD 1.345.827.0

I did go back to the topic, after I addressed what you said when YOU went off topic. If the mods wish to lock this that is fine. And I would say it being locked is up to mods and the OP not you. Get over yourself and take it in game little boy because I am waiting.

*Reaches for her broom and after bopping fusion/grizzly on the head with it, flies back to her home planet.*
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!