
So I'd like to thank the following players for aiding me in my in game development:
Thor: For encouraging me to raid and being the first to talking me into applying
Condor: For being my first hit back in the day and teaching me how fun it is.
Pulsar: for grabbing my fleet before gozar did (Then giving it to Sprog kinda silly but e/vs)
Sprog: for some good conversation and also teaching me patience ((You can be kinda of a dink someitmes but overall a good guy))
Mobster: For always being my Rival ((I still don't know how you jumped up those millions so fast but I'm sure it was timing and such))
Neusbeer: For giving me ambition to stay building.
Dexter: For showing me a better way to raid if you have time
Gozar: for being a great final boss ((Almost like Emerald weapon in FF7 or Sephiroth in kingdom hearts))

And overall just want to say thank you for making this game fun but we do need more players.