Re: Time for Change

That's the spirit, Torgard! :)

I"m very excited for the new server. I like that there will be a chance for everyone to compete on relatively even footing. For the other servers, I have to admit that deleting inactives isn't something that I like much. I could understand if more space was needed for new players, but I think there is plenty of room.

I agree with Pulsar's points and think that there are things that could really help the other servers, that I view as relatively minor. (But I'm not a programmer or anything, so maybe they are more labor intensive than I realize). Anyway, change wait to see the new server ^.^ Good luck everyone!

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: Time for Change

If changes do not come....I will be in new server. Equal footing? I think not...end results will be the same. The elites now will rise for no changes and I will use my forces to exterminate everyone I can from the game. That will be fun :dance:

You have to work for what you got, many will not so equal footing is some utopia dream that will never exist in a war game. I may not be able to crash some...but you wont be able to crash me as well. You will be the king of another dead server

Ive been playing a peaceful style to see growth. cant meet me in the middle then I shall fleet through everyone I can here on out playing for all the marbles counting my kills not by fleets crashed....but by how many quit the game

There will be no mercy for the weak, so I too look forward to this

Re: Time for Change

DREDD wrote:If changes do not come....I will be in new server. Equal footing? I think not...end results will be the same. The elites now will rise for no changes and I will use my forces to exterminate everyone I can from the game. That will be fun :dance:

You have to work for what you got, many will not so equal footing is some utopia dream that will never exist in a war game. I may not be able to crash some...but you wont be able to crash me as well. You will be the king of another dead server

Ive been playing a peaceful style to see growth. cant meet me in the middle then I shall fleet through everyone I can here on out playing for all the marbles counting my kills not by fleets crashed....but by how many quit the game

There will be no mercy for the weak, so I too look forward to this
What is with you and your obsession with "exterminating" servers? If you actually want to make other players quit, you're part of the problem.

When players say they're looking for equal footing, it's not as if they expect an easy ride. What they expect is a chance to start from the same place as everyone else and see how they do when they're not at a 150 M point disadvantage.

Re: Time for Change

Keyword was RELATIVELY equal footing. I know there will never be completely equal footing, if for no other reason than some players have more time to play. But a new server is really the closest that we'll ever come to it :P

I'm glad you are looking forward to it though, Dredd.

As for Oz/Dredd, yeah beating people until they go inactive is one strategy. It makes for some farms. I'd rather have people go inactive and let others raid them, than vmode forever. In my opinion, it'd be better if more people stayed, then we could get some more fleeting going on. ^^ (Yes, i know it goes on to some extent, but there are really only so many players with big and medium sized fleets that one can hit.)

Also agree with Torgard about styles.

I agree with Pulsar. At a certain point, it discourages new players from even trying. They will see that sort of power disparity and go what is the point?

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: Time for Change

As for Oz/Dredd, yeah beating people until they go inactive is one strategy. It makes for some farms. I'd rather have people go inactive and let others raid them, than vmode forever. In my opinion, it'd be better if more people stayed, then we could get some more fleeting going on. ^^ (Yes, i know it goes on to some extent, but there are really only so many players with big and medium sized fleets that one can hit.)

This statement obviously just smacks that the poster doesn't read nor understand what has been written previously.

This game is not all sunshine and rainbows, everyone is happy all of the time, they will be happy to turtle up and play nicey nicey. If you think that's the way things should be then perhaps you are playing the wrong game?

A war/strategy game is like that. Whether it's set in space, on the high seas, on a battlefield etc.

Things are not very nice, hence why you get weapons, big honking great space guns, DEATH STARS and so on.

Perhaps they should do away with these things that you need to damage/destroy other players with?

I could put a shed load of resources and time in to researching feather dusters? That way I can tickle the opposition in to giving me what I want? Personally I never said anything about beating people until they leave the game. But it happens. Whilst that is within the rules, then it will happen. So, instead of diluting that pool, mentioned previously, address these issues. How long will it be before people in this new server will be too strong for the newbs coming in to the game? I give it two years. Heavy ruby users will shoot to the top of the pile and we will be having a discussion on perhaps having/starting a new server. This cycle will continue. And theeennnnn back to square one.

Issues that have been mentioned previously, new player protection, lol. A joke.

The FAQ's S T I L L state this, "*Is there any kind of protection for new players ?
-Yes. The protection intends to protect new players till they learn the very basics. However you really need to learn how to fleet save as fast as possible."

Evidently this is not the case because of Super Noobs. But that issue, although raised many, many, many, many times, still an issue in some servers, never been addressed.

Rightly so, this game is a business and not a charity. The game overlords are here to make money. But whilst we have all these servers, points and issues raised, mostly ignored or suggestion fobbed off, this will continue, it's just a matter of time.

Re: Time for Change

Oz, I really don't think you understood what I was trying to say.

My point is I would rather have people stay and be able to hunt their fleets, than beat everyone into inactive status. But that's just me.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: Time for Change

I understand exactly what you are saying. But I am replying to the original post, whilst yourself, you are not reading everything properly. Just by the very last sentence of your last post "than beat everyone into inactive status. But that's just me."

So, just you eh? Like I said, you are not reading everything properly. Never mind. I suppose that's the problem with forums.

Re: Time for Change

The main point is with this game there's a food chain the few who are the best hunter/raider sit at the top the the better than average good raider/hunter but will be food the top then the average player mostly noobs or people with only few hours per day to play getting it right is hard with this game,many others just open more servers close old ones or open a new server every 8weeks then merge into a old one in 8weeks there's no easy answer